Logging Bugs: Do's and Don'ts
Bug's Life Cycle - [Image source: http://www.bughost.com] As a tester tests an application and if he/she finds any defect, the life cycle of the defect starts and it becomes very important to communicate the defect to the developers in order to get it fixed , keep track of current status of the defect, find out if any such defect (similar defect) was ever found in last attempts of testing etc. How to report a bug? It’s a good practice to take screen shots of execution of every step during software testing. If any test case fails during execution, it needs to be failed in the bug-reporting tool and a bug has to be reported/logged for the same. The tester can choose to first report a bug and then fail the test case in the bug-reporting tool or fail a test case and report a bug. In any case, the Bug ID that is generated for the reported bug should be attached to the test case that is failed. Tagging or naming the bug with the Unit or integration test will aid developer...