Mastermind Game - Repost (Game I wrote back in 07 to teach intermediate haskell)
-- Mastermind Game - Fri 18-11-2007 -- CS11A - Introduction to Computer Science --This module controls the utility functions for the graphics e.g. mouse events, Font Operations... uncomment of using winhugs b4 2006 --import GraphicsUtils --import SOEGraphics import Graphics.HGL --Graphics modules as to be imported for Grapics to be produced. import Graphics.HGL.Utils --This module controls the utility functions for the graphics e.g. mouse events, Font Operations import Random --Imported to allow the random functions to be used import Prelude hiding (read) --The Prelude as been imported and the function read hidden so that my version can be used import Data.List (sort) --Imported to allow the sort function to be used import Data.Char (toLower) --Imported to allow the toLower function to be used --The following Emurated type hold all the colors to be used ...